Logic Pro X Guitar Amps

  1. Logic Pro X Guitar Amp Models
  2. Logic Pro X Guitar Preamp
  3. Logic Pro X Guitar Amps Youtube
  4. Logic Amps Review

If you’re a guitar or bass player, Logic Pro X goes out of its way to make you feel appreciated and inspired to jam. Logic Pro has a customized workflow made especially for guitar players. Plus, you’ll find dozens of stellar-sounding special effects plug-ins that can feed even the most tone-starved guitarist. Learn how to use the Logic Pro Guitar Amp Pro Tremolo, Vibrato, and Reverb effects.

Logic Pro X lends itself very nicely to the task of processing a mono guitar in stereo. In this video, sponsored by Universal Audio, I’m going to use two different Universal Audio guitar amp plug-ins, the Chandler Limited GAV19T, and the Engel E646VS, to create a nice rich, thick ethereal guitar solo sound.

Logic Pro X Guitar Amp Models

Mono to Stereo

Logic Pro X Guitar Preamp

There are several ways to set up stereo processing of a mono track. Here’s the way I like to do it:

Logic Pro X Guitar Amps Youtube

  • Route your guitar track output to an unused Bus. This automatically generates an Aux Track set to stereo, with the appropriate bus set as the input.
  • Convert it to mono by clicking on the format button at the top of the Channel Strip in the Mixer.
  • Then create a new unused Aux Track (default key command is Control + N in the Mixer). Set this to the same input.

You now have the same signal arriving at two mono busses. They can be processed and panned individually for a fully customizable stereo image.


In the following video, I use a different Universal Audio amp on each channel. Of course, the tones are different but blended together, they create a unique and rich sound. This is a relatively clean guitar part, but I don’t like going too clean. I used the third channel on the Engel E646VS for a sound with a bit of bite, but that is not too overdriven.

I chose something nice and warm sounding in the Chandler Limited GAV19T with the Tone set to thick, and the boost at +4. Then, I set up a contrasting delay offset from the Engel amp, to create some nice cross-rhythms. I ran these both through Logic Pro X’s Space Designer and panned to taste.

Logic Amps Review


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